Saturday, December 28, 2013

A Christmas Surprise

I left the field a few weeks early, due to holidays and my position closing, and flew home to San Francisco.  The journey was long (flights through Nairobi, Amsterdam, Paris, and New York, with debriefings in Paris and New York), but smooth.

The whole thing was a big secret, though.  I was surprising my parents, with the help of my brother.  We gave them a wrapped box as a present.  We had dropped several hints about puppies in the previous few weeks, complete with a training manual on how to house-train your pet in 7 days.

Their reaction was calm and elated.  No heart attacks, no drama, just a good laugh and appreciation.

It was my first time celebrating the holidays with my parents in 4 years.

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Monday, December 9, 2013

World AIDS Day

Our district celebrated World AIDS Day on Saturday. We were an integral supporter with fuel donations for transport, tents, tables, chairs, T shirts, shade canopies and nearly 100 staff attendees who all received their own T shirts and a soda.

It was a logistical nightmare. But all problems got fixed and the larger puzzle that was this event was solved. People laughed, enjoyed themselves, got tested and learned about HIV.

Well done logs.

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