Saturday, August 7, 2010

Open at the Fringe

And what a journey!

It was a photo finish, but I'm proud to say we opened without any drying paint or tacky glue. Just some fatigued company members.

We're open in front of international audiences. We're playing to press and presenters, hoping for accolades and offers.

As the to-do list diminishes and we spend less and less time in the theater, we turn our attention to the rest of Edinburgh. We're in one of the most exciting places for theater artists. And we're going to enjoy it.

I've spent years at the Philly Fringe, where an overwhelming amount of offerings are conveniently placed at overlapping times, ensuring that you will be perpetually disappointed. Edinburgh is Philly Fringe ten times over. Literally. Philly's whopping 250+ shows pale in comparison to Edinburgh's 2500+ shows.

Time becomes precious here, and record numbers of audience members walk out. People will ruthlessly leave in order to make the most out of their time.

It's time to check the guide, listen on the streets and talk to all sorts of contacts about what to catch and what to avoid.

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