Monday, January 2, 2012

New Years on Ships

Cruise ships are in operation 365 days a year. That means Christmas and New Years. We generally hate the holiday season, because not only are a large number of people traveling, with crazy demands and little experience at the whole 'cruising thing,' but we're also missing our own Christmas or New Years celebrations.

So up go the decorations, out comes the holiday cheer, and we buckle down for another Season's Greetings (Australia has a much higher percentage of Christians, and much lower percentage of vocal dissidents, so we were able to wish everyone 'Merry Christmas' rather than America's staple, 'Happy Holidays').

Every cruise, on the last formal night, we throw a 'New Year's Gala' with balloon drop (courteously executed at 11:30pm, so that people do not have to stay out too late). With this weekly occurrence under our belts, we were well equipped to provide a flash-bang New Years balloon drop on the stroke of midnight. The net was rigged in the atrium, the balloons were inflated, and the drop was put on the schedule. The rest was clockwork.

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