Saturday, September 1, 2012

Go West Young (wo)man

 From Driggs, Idaho to San Francisco, California, I decided to pick up my 42nd state.  I went the long way, through Oregon, despite having a very tight time frame.  I left Idaho on Tuesday, August 28th, and had to join the ship on Friday, August 31st.  The drive was over 20 hours, and I still needed to rent a storage container and put all my stuff in it.  No worries, plenty of time to see Bend.

So it was onward into the sunset, across blazing hot open range (sometimes literally blazing hot).

I stopped at BLM land to spend the night, pulled well off the highway on a dirt track and pitched camp.  I made myself comfy with a sleeping bag and pad stretched out on the ground, then read myself to sleep.  So much better than a hotel parking lot.  I’m getting the hang of this hobo thing.

Then off to Bend for breakfast, south to California, around the smoky Mount Shasta (woah, that’s tall), and home to San Francisco.

Now to pack up my life into a small locker.  Oh wait, that’s no different than shoving it in a car…

That took less than an hour.  I love not having too many possessions.  Although I was surprised by the way that storage unit filled up so quickly.  I have a fair bit of stuff.  Four boxes worth.  Might be time to purge.

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