Monday, July 29, 2013

Life in Africa: Road Construction

The road leading up to our house is under construction. It's a hard pack dirt track with some rocks as reinforcement in some places, and some concrete tracks for the hairpin turns. The road is quite bumpy, and many of the concrete strips are in very bad repair. Instead of making the road better, they become obstacles to be carefully avoided.

The district is doing construction to repair a couple of the sections with the concrete tracks. I expected barriers, road closures, signs and at least some heavy equipment (a cement mixer at least?), but none of that was forthcoming.

Instead, we got a few men and a wheelbarrow. The closed the sections of the road by discretely putting football-sized rocks in front of whichever track they were repairing. They cleared away the rubble with shovels and hands, laid the rocky base by hand, and formed the cement with some timber to frame it and flatten it. Each strip took about a week. The rocks have been moved aside as of today, and the road is open.

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