Friday, May 29, 2015

Random Looks

I keep my phone in my pocket at all times, next to a copy of my passport and a country-wide contact list.  I use it as a calculator and camera, rather than a link to the outside world.  It's a good notepad.

Despite our no-photos policy for the country, I need to take pictures for documentation and communication with coordination.  We have several construction projects going on right now, and there's always the requisite broken part that needs replacement.  Combined with the policy to not take pictures of environments, people, or property, this leads to some pretty odd photo collections on my phone.  Showing my photos from a mission to friends back home is pretty anti-climactic.  "This is the latrine.  This is the other side of the latrine.  This is the roof of the latrine.  This is the little hole in the corner of the roof of the latrine..."

They don't come close to answering the question of what is it like, but it's interesting to stop and explain some photos from a normal week in my life on mission.

It was a busy day in the office, and when the printer made its way in to be tested, that was threshold of ridiculous amounts of stuff in my office.  Hence, picture.

We had a huge thunder storm on Friday, and during the storm, apparently, the ceiling fan wobbled enough to embed a blade in the ceiling.  Oops.

A sunset over our compound

The major construction site, with 6 projects to be completed this year.



Drainage channel construction in the courtyard of the hospital.  Look at the channel.  I mean, really look.  This is why my slide shows stink.

Mmmmm, grease.  Cleaning out the grease trap, which was so disgusting I had to take a picture of it.  They're not usually this bad.

I needed to show the size of our gravel.

See where our percolation test hole is?  A picture is worth a thousand words.

We need this part for a land cruiser.

Our phase balancing for our warehouse generator.  I'm more worried about the low voltage output on phase 1.

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