Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Broome, Australia: Sunblasted

It's all red rock and blue water at the port of Broome, Australia. Historically known for its pearls, it was a lonely place. And hot. Almost too hot to function. I walked around, sticking to the shade as much as possible (not that there was much), browsing through touristy shops with souvenirs and pearls for sale. The one square block of shopping didn't hold my interest for long, so I retreated into the air conditioning of an internet cafe. Awesome. I'm halfway around the world, in exotic vacation destinations, and I'm hiding in an internet cafe. Hey, I live on a cruise ship. I'm not on vacation all the time. Sometimes, I just want to go to the grocery store, or check email. Sometimes it's exhausting trying to eek the most out of a port. It's twice as hard knowing that you'll never be back again. At least not on this itinerary. Maybe next year.

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