Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Glamorous Life of a Base Log: Ground Breaking Ceremony

We had a meeting with the community counsel at Thumbwe Health Center today in regards to the rehabilitation and extension of the current staff accommodation at the health center. MSF is funding and organizing the building of two kitchen/bathroom facilities to add on to the current staff housing, to better accommodate the medical staff who are assigned to work at the health center.

Today we introduced the contractor to the community and solidified the plans for construction. It will be a major project, and will rely on significant community support. We laid out the areas of the new kitchen blocks, and staked out the area for the pit latrines. Next up, the community will dig the pits and foundations voluntarily under the supervision of our hired contractor. Then the building will begin.

But today was all about getting on the same page, and the council was firmly supportive.

6 weeks later, we'll see what we have.

Malawi time, that is.

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