Monday, February 24, 2014

Termites Attack

There was a crackling sound in the walls.  It was subtle, but it was continuous.  Day and night.  It took me a few days to even realize that the sound was something to be noticed.  We opened the wall the next day.

Inside was an infestation of termites who had happily redecorated and made themselves at home in the only wooden wall in the compound (the rest are all brick).  They had completely eaten through the 4x4 support, and several of the 2x4 cross beams.

Holy wood vacuum, batman.

With new eyes, I looked around our compounds.  The shade structure for the garage was about to fall.  The supports for the floor were eaten away at the guard post at the office.  The frame for the screen door was no longer attached to the wall.  The doorframe of the generator shack did not continue to the ground.

The termites here are described as "très forts."  Yeah, you got that right.

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