Saturday, August 22, 2009

Things I get to have once I settle down

I've started making a list for myself of things that I want, and would use, but can't have until I move around quite a bit less.

One of those things is a bike, which is not on my meager list of possessions merely for the lack of space as I'm toting myself and all of my worldly belongings around the country. A bike would be supremely useful, especially since I find myself landing in city after city (what happened to the farm girl?), where cars are just not the best idea. But all the room I have is a moderately-sized trunk and backseat (which I try to keep clear, since it doubles as my bed half the time I'm traveling).

Maybe I'll look into one of those little foldy bikes... Ha.

Another thing is a dog. Dogs don't do so well incorporated into lifestyles where one lives in one's car for a couple days, is put up at friends' houses, flies from one end of the country to the other (or across an ocean), and works a significant portion of each day.

But I really want a dog.

Not enough to give up the nomadic lifestyle. I'll wait, and look forward to the day I get a dog.

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