Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Questioning the status quo

I've been slowly getting moved in to the place I'm staying in Philly, eventually getting the car unpacked, finding the grocery store, setting up a desk to work at, etc.

I've gotten a few things off of Craigslist, too. That's a first for me. I've always known and perused Craigslist, but never actually used it successfully. Now I have gotten some awesome upgrades from it. I upgraded from the air mattress that was lent with the room to a real mattress (still on the floor, but who needs box springs). And recently I switched from a fan to an air conditioner. That's a big one, which I'm really looking forward to.

Where I stayed in Chicago had very strong air conditioning, and Chicago's summer was much more mild than Philly's this year (must have something to do with that huge lake nearby). Due to the temperate climate and the strong presence of air conditioning, coupled with the nature of my job (sit in a cool theater all afternoon), I never got used to the heat of summer. In previous walks of life, I get used to the heat and never get adversely affected by it. But there were no barns in sight, no horses to ride this summer. So I got to Philly and it was hot. Dreadfully, stifflingly and depressingly hot. After a week of sweating and swearing off summer for the rest of my life (and altering my life plan to get me to Maine or Alaska every June), I got used to it. A couple days after I started my Craigslist quest for an air conditioner, though.

So I have an air conditioner.

And I suspect that I will be utilizing Craigslist later, when I pack up my life and my belongings and move along again. I don't think my own air conditioner is necessary where I'm going, and I don't think a mattress fits well in my car.

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1 comment:

  1. I LOVE air conditioners. I paid quite a bit to get mine all set up, but it was totally worth it. Stupid urban heat blanket.
