Sunday, October 11, 2009

Fall in New England

So I drove up to New Hampshire to interview at a dog sledding kennel. I again packed up everything into my car, switching to my winter gear, and hit the road. I was up late packing up the car, and got up early to hit the road. I had a 4pm meeting in New Hampshire, and woke up in Delaware.

I got on the road at around 7:30, and drove the whole day. New York was a mess, with my google maps directions breaking down a little. And I hit a lot of traffic. But I eventually got sorted out (thanks to the gps on my phone), and continued on. As I passed through Massachusetts, the ground started to rise and the leaves started to turn.

Eventually I was driving through the full spread of fall in New England. Despite mediocre weather (it was overcast, with intermittent showers), the views were spectacular. I didn't have my camera handy, and didn't really want to stop, so I took a few quick pictures with my cell phone.

So I got to the kennel, and spent a great weekend in New England, with perfect views across mountains, tons of dogs around (the kennel had close to 100), very friendly people, and a fun new sport to learn.

Now I'm in a newly rented room, waiting to hear whether the kennel got the contract or not, waiting to see if I got the job or not. Meanwhile, I'm looking for something to do. I'll hit up the local barns this week, see if they need a stable hand. Maybe other odd things. Nothing's ever boring.

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