Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Living the Lonely Life

Here I am in Gorham, NH, a small New England town that prides itself in how small it is. It's in an amazing location, perched on the outskirts of the White Mountains National Forest, within sight (on a clear day) of Mount Washington, the Northeast's highest peak. It's 10 minutes from Maine, 30 minutes from Vermont, not too far from Canada, and completely in the middle of nowhere.


I've successfully escaped summer, and have landed in the final throes of fall. I woke up this morning to a couple inches of snow (they quickly melted). The fall foliage is magnificent up here (I see why it's a popular vacation destination). It will probably be gone when the week is out. Already some mountains are looking bare. It's about to enter into that dismal time before ski season and after fall foliage, where it's cold, rainy and deserted. Not too bad.

I'm living in a trailer right now. Well, to be fair it's a mobile home. But I've lived in trailers before (a parked RV for my summers in Abingdon, VA on a horse farm). I have my own bedroom this time around, but share everything else. We'll see how long it lasts.

I'll hear before the week is out if I get the dog mushing job, and maybe they'll have suggestions of nearby places to stay. They still think I'm in Philadelphia, and I didn't want to let them know that I threw caution to the wind and moved up to New Hampshire, blindly hoping to get the job they weren't 100% sure existed. That doesn't seem to inspire much confidence from future employers... Especially when they were a bit nervous about letting me know that the job didn't actually exist yet.

So I've filed for unemployment (hey, free money!) and am searching the area for a job to get me through to November (or all winter?? What am I doing?!). Should be interesting!

I know absolutely no one in the area, and don't find that to be a problem.

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