Saturday, September 25, 2010

A Brief Stop in Seattle

On our Alaska itinerary, our home port was Seattle, Washington. I did not get a chance to see it my first time there, since we had to load on our new show, but I did get a chance to see it my second time around. Which was fortunate, since it was also the last visit there this season.

I jumped on a bus to down town, walked around and settled into the 3rd Starbucks that I found. That seems to be a good rule, since the first one you see is right as you get somewhere. The second one is pretty soon after, but by the time you get to the 3rd, you’re ready for a bit of a sit-down. This rule works in the Pacific Northwest. Probably in major metropolitan areas as well.

I spent some time on the internet, since it was both free and fast. I caught up on my Wikipedia reference use, checked my mail and researched what I should do with my few hours in Seattle.

After that, it was look around the city briefly, do some shopping for necessities, and head back to the ship. It seems like all ports are falling into this pattern, but I’m hoping to do more excursions or more adventurous outings in the future. I chalk it up to both being busy and still settling in. Both of those things should pass.

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