Thursday, June 9, 2011

One week on land and one show opened

A week after my epic flight across the globe, it was opening night in San Francisco.

A few days after touching down, I started loading in a show at a theater in town. I appreciated having no down time, taking a day to get on the time zone, then hitting the ground running. It kept me busy, and launched me into land life. Granted, 14-hour days working inside a theater aren't exactly regular life, but for me, they're as normal as it gets.

After three days of loading in, we were ready to open. It was an incredibly smooth load in and tech rehearsal process. We're getting good at this show. It was Chekhov Lizardbrain, most recently from Poland, then Pennsylvania. I had last worked on it in New York City, on that ill-fated tour stop where we had to build a theater inside of a theater, and I broke my wrist while loading the truck. But no hard feelings about the show, we are turning pro.

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