Saturday, August 24, 2013

Life in Africa: Livestock

Today's experience won.

I was walking (hiking) along the path (trail) to the office this morning, a Saturday (in a skirt), and looked up to find a full grown momma pig rooting in the dirt not two meters away.

"Hi Momma."

She looks up, but her ears fall in front of her eyes, so she peers blindly around, looking for the source of the disturbance. Nothing seems amiss, so she goes back to turning up the dirt in front of her.

She, like most livestock around here, is unrestrained. There's a small herd of goats that hang out in the bend of the road going up to our house. They never wander off.  Every house has a few chickens scratching around.

I have seen cattle being herded, but I haven't seen any marks of identification or ownership on any other species. Animals just hang out, and the community seems to keep it straight.

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