Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Glamorous Life of a Base Log: A Broken Microscope

My idea of putting the microscope at the health center on a UPS worked. The microscope runs off battery and they can use it all day. I made an elaborate system of charging and replacing the batteries, and set it all in place.
Today I learned that the microscope is broken.
Since June.
I had the microscope brought back and started testing. It has been a long time since 6th grade science, but I'm pretty sure this microscope is fine. I head to the pharmacy for a second opinion.
The verdict comes back that one eyepiece won't focus, but the other eyepiece is fine (it's a binocular model). I send it back taped up.
We'll see what other problem comes up. Maybe the next problem will have gone unreported since January....

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