Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Retrospective: 10 of the more interesting places I've slept; part II

Everyone sleeps, and usually the hardest part about traveling is finding a good place to do it. Housing is expensive, and comfort is important. This series of posts shares some of my solutions to finding a cozy place to spend the night:

-As a recap of adventures detailed in other parts of my blog, I will reiterate some sleeping arrangements. I have slept in my car on multiple occasions. I have found that the best place to sleep in one's car is at a rest stop alongside a toll highway, since the bathroom is right there, breakfast is there, it's lit, it's populated and it's not accessible by random people walking up. Toll highway rest stops, however, are not my usual travel destination, and not always available along the route. Lacking a rest stop, I usually head to a hotel parking lot. Overnight parking, no one asks questions, sometimes security patrols the area, and it's lit. Bathrooms do tend to get a little hard to find, as most hotels don't have public restrooms. But luckily, there's usually a restaurant nearby. The worst place to sleep in one's car, I have found, is state parks. When the little signs says "closes at dusk," they might not mean right at dusk, but the park does close. Usually it's about 6 hours later, after midnight, when a police officer will knock on your window, very loudly, with a flashlight shining in your face. And most of the time, they'll make you move along. Then you find a hotel parking lot.

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