Thursday, September 17, 2009

Was that this morning?

It's been one of those long days, across many miles. I find myself reviewing recent experiences, which have been crazy enough to become good stories, and realizing that these events happened today.

I woke up at 5am, Central Time, after 4 hours of sleep, to pack and catch a 5:30 shuttle to the airport. When I changed my pick up time, the shuttle company was very adamant about me taking responsibility for missing my flight; it wouldn't be their fault if I got to the airport too late. I got to the airport with plenty of time to do self-check-in and get my small backpack through security. Until I checked in at the wrong airline, then went to the correct airline only to find that my reservation had been voided. So I called the emergency travel assistance number that Princess had given me with my travel reservations, only to find that the number had been disconnected.

Deep breath.

Another occasion when I am grateful for internet access on my phone. Looked up the correct number, got my flight renewed, waited for a confirmation from California (it was 4am there... I wonder how that phone call went...) and finally checked in. To run into a big backup at a small security screening station.

But the line moved fast, I got my steel toed shoes through security without getting accused of smuggling bombs (I worried, a bit, what they would think when they saw that x-ray), and I got to the gate with a couple minutes to spare before boarding.

Then I didn't sleep on the flight, after getting jolted awake by the lack of flight reservations...

Smooth transfer in Charlotte, NC, to a bigger plane. A short delay, but I was a little bit delirious at that point, so couldn't comprehend the consequences of a delayed flight, or entertain the possibility of a canceled flight. I finally slept on the plane for a little while, then was jolted awake by the landing. Grabbed my backpack and made my way to the train in a haze.

I took public transport home (hadn't taken public transport yet all the way to the current place I'm living, so I just felt it out), stopping to check my mail (my PO box is across the city from where I currently live).

A brief rest, a brief sandwich thrown together, then off to work, to do electrics notes, then house manage one of the Live Arts Festival's busiest shows.

From Texas Hill Country to the streets of Philadelphia, this has been a long day.

And now I should go do laundry.

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